With all do respect, people alike you are the beginning of this country being run like N Korea, telling you what you can drive and so on right down to your haircut.
With all do respect, people alike you are the beginning of this country being run like N Korea, telling you what you can drive and so on right down to your haircut.
As a owner of a 2016 with the 4.3, its a damn powerful motor, but most of all the 4.3s long term durability can’t be beat, having owned several 4.3 GM trucks over the years. I find it hard to believe that a engine almost half the size as the 4.3 will last as long as the 4.3.
Week Sauce 4.3? 300HP and 300 lb/ft of Torque is nothing to sneeze at, I’d much rather have the 4.3 gently producing those numbers as opposed to the 2.7 getting wound up to produce slightly better numbers.
No different than someone buying a small 4 cylinder shitbox and putting a huge wing and a loud exhaust on it.
I guess as long as a Big Mac will fit through the cutout at McDonalds, I’m sold.
Actually a Raptor isn’t too hard to get stuck, It’s more of a desert runner, Raptors only offer a rear locking diffs, Like most 1/2 and 3/4 pickups do, the only 2 vehicles that offer front AND rear locking diffs is the Jeep Rubicon and the Chevrolet Colorado ZR2, double the traction.
Yes, in 1995 I bought my first computer, a Apple Performa 631cd Mac, have bought a new Mac every 3 years since then, I miss the early days of printing, Internet, videos, none of it was as easy as nowadays but the newness of it was fun.
I’ve actually seen 1 a few days ago going down the highway, hadn’t seen one in years before that.
I guess the worst part to me, is these days everybody is so judgmental on what everybody buys, the same people that bitched that everyone who bought Hummers, are the ones driving the misfiring beater putting out far more emissions than the Hummer.
Nah, The way she talks she rides a bicycle with flower vase mounted on the handle bars, (a/la VW Beetle)
Agreed, also the proportions are a little off about everywhere on the car.
Wrecker?, Looks like it didn’t make it to the charging station before it ran out of gas..... err, juice, electric.
Whether your in the Ford, GM, Toy, Nissan or Dodge camp. I still think the 1982 0r 83 Chevy S-10 and Ford Ranger are some of the best truck designs in history, 2 completely different designs but both equally good.
From 1990 to 1994, I was a Suzuki master tech at a Hyundai/Suzuki Dealership, back then Hyundai was still a POS, but the Suzuki drivetrain was bullet proof, Hyundai was our money maker because the cratered engines and transmissions on a regular basis. I miss the simple Suzuki Samurai back in the day.
Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, This photo makes my heart happy, I have a 2016 Silverado, but I would MUCH rather go back to the 80's design. BTW, Other than the windshield being more raked back, my 2016 is almost as boxy, but mine has too damn many creases and lines (Especially the damn hood) compared to the simple 80's…
100% agree, Full size trucks regularly going over 7oK, easily. But I don’t understand the economics of why a similarly equipped car can cost the same.
Jeez, Bet that fancy door and attachments is $10K, Easy.
I’m 51, My long time wife asked me why we always purchase a home on a hill, I never paid attention to it but subconsciously I’ve made a point to, I guess the reason when I was 9 yo, our house flooded 2’ deep, I remember how nasty it was.
The Democratic party started the the the worst racist human beings on earth, The KKK.
Here we go again, you sound like the kid that learned a new cuss word, so now he says it every 2 to 3 weeks in the Title of an article, soon he’ll be saying Goddamn every day trying to have cool titles.