
I took the tour of the Molly Brown House in Denver last year, and the tour guide says it's the musical that changed her from Maggie to Molly. The story goes that nothing really rhymes with Margaret, and nothing pleasant rhymes with Maggie, so… Molly.

Sincere Apologies, a nonprofit organization

He means mean meaning average.

♫The Sweat Shop is a little old place where we can sew together
Sweat Shop, baby!♫

I mean, they kind of are.

I guess?

No. The Academy has said repeatedly that unless you appear onscreen, it doesn't count, and I guess they don't count a puppet as a costume piece or something. It's why Andy Serkis will never have an Oscar.


So a video game can be a short film, but a Muppet can't be Best Actor? This is BS

Come on, she was up against Meryl Streep.

You've probably heard more than I have. All I know was there was some kind of dispute, but if he's disappeared, that's upsetting.

And never underpay him, either. There were allegedly some… issues this season.

I was told specifically not to trust the pusher robot.

Stupid babies need the most disproportionate representation in congress and the electoral college.

I mean, I like jokes and everything, but the people of Sesame Street are actually really nice to Oscar, even when he's verbally abusive to them.

My husband has been calling him Little Gloves.

Or alternatively, it didn't become his last year on the cast until his laughing became a major thing.

In the middle, there's a ring avulsion (don't google it), just to keep you on your toes. Then it's back to the sound of a grown man uncontrollably giggling at everything.

Yes, that is fine, but I prefer to put my jalapenos all chopped up into the oil for popcorn.

Alright, here's what you do.