
I see they've been getting the unsolicited notes I keep sending them.

It's a marvelous episode altogether.

I don't care how many stewardesses you slept with, you're a lousy pilot.

"This flight is dreadfully bumpy."
"I'll go have a word with the captain.
A penguin!
And he's been drinking!
Wait a minuteā€¦ Penguins can't fly. Penguins can't fly!"

Well, I'm sure someone's already working on the uninspired-titled Deadpool Porn Parody, and the gay porn equivalent, which will be terrible.

Including the chiclets, but not the erasers.

He did a brief stint working for the carnival despite clearly not being carnival personnel.

"Call Me" would make a better LSFYL.

When my friends disappoint me, I frequently shout at them BOO! DISQUALIFIED!

Chicago, don't do this to yourself, early and for free.

Why so it is. Well, there's one out of the way. Now to just deal with all the rest of the abusive copyright holders in the world.

Then in that case, put up a picture of your own genitals with a disclaimer (Sorry, due to unnecessary copyright complications, we are unable to publish the images this paper references. Please enjoy this placeholder.)

Anything you can't get permission for, just replace it with a picture of you reenacting the image.

And seriously, assuming that Oscars matter, there are dozens of people more deserving of Oscars who have gone longer than Leo without one.

This is the only legit reason to know someone named Francis.

Okay, but is that a sign that they're still alive, or is it their kidnappers sending us fingers in the mail one by one so that we keep sending them money.

The DVDs contain Fifty Shades of Gray.

Please don't crush my dreams of the world becoming a better place upon Scalia's replacement. I was so happy.

Unfortunately, she still has almost no name or face recognition in the US. Which, honestly, she's not going to get if they keep leaving her out of things shown in the US.

Fry is obviously the harder match to make. Knowing Hollywood, they'd probably cast Jonah Hill or something.