
The Wedding Springer Spaniel

When Harry Sniffed Sally's Butt…

Wake me when she's back in pog form.

Good point. I guess we've all got our homework. Let's meet back here next week having watched a variety of porn, and we'll discuss what we've learned.

Trying is the first step toward failure.

Reminds me of when Watchmen came out, and I found that many of my old high-school circle of friends couldn't handle incidental penis. I tried to discuss the movie with them, and all they could talk about was the "giant blue dick" waving in their faces. And these are straight men. "Guys," I'd tell them, "It's not that

The Heteronormative Patriarchy strikes again.

Why don't more men feel the need to do full frontal nudity to get Oscars?

I thought it was an amusing episode.

Oh, I liked his lack of work in that.

As soon as you die, we'll found the Velocirapstar Internet Commenting School, but not a moment before then.

Sure, there's a lot of solid legal precedent, not that it would stop a beast like Disney from threatening legal action. You can get a lot done by forcing someone to lawyer up, even on bullshit grounds.

But you've got to appreciate the irony of someone working for Disney freely making parodies of copyrighted works without any concern of being sued into oblivion.

But for being Gene Kelly-inspired, those pants are not nearly tight enough on Channing Tatum.

The AV Club
nowhere near as worth the wait as I had been led to believe.

How does it keep up with the news like that?

Oh my god, no, then you'll sound desperate. You have to wait until people call you to ask if you want to do a revival of their old show.

Yeah, but I like her character in Black Swan even more if I think of her as the once-great rising star who was pushed aside simply for daring to age.

When cannons are finally invented, they are named after Sansa.

But she's ir-rapace-able!