
And if something ever happens to one of them, and she has to leave the show, we've still got Garol.


Finally, something Kevin Smith's parents can be proud of him for.

"What about you? Do you find it… wisible… when I say the name… Bigus… Dickus?"

I can only hear this in Michael Palin's Pontius Pilate voice.

Nothing starts an upward trend quite like hitting rock bottom.

"And here's my badge!"
(Cut to: Interior, Hospital. The lieutenant is having Galban's badge surgically removed.)

I am fully on board with this idea.

In reality, she'll be given a cameo as somebody's mom, or the goblin queen or some crap.

Yes, and the Supreme Court had to re-integrate him.

Tomorrow on Great Job, Internet:

As I've mentioned in another thread, I spend Lent every year watching 40 movies I've never seen. I have just now decided that this will be my Ash Wednesday selection this year. Thanks for the recommendation.

I can't speak for the others, but I, for one, can't deny.

I don't know, but when that account starts up, I'll be ready to copy and paste all of their comments with a "Good Job, Novelty Commenter!" comment.

New Conspiracy Theory: The studio had the Log Lady killed so audiences wouldn't have to see her aged face on tv.

Is your country under the control of the First Order? That might be part of it.

Sounds like you stopped following your dreams.

I can't tell whether it's impressive or pathetic that you averaged 6 minutes to kill each horse.

Always follow your dreams.

"Go fuck yourself!"
"Oh, he's in HR these days. He doesn't actually play any more, not since the accident."