
I'm thinking someday there'll be a Chaplin-like biopic about Adam Sandler, starring some up-and-coming young actor who may not yet be alive today. There may be a cameo from a festering old Jonah Hill or something.

I don't know. I heard olives come from Europe. That's why I always have my martini with a twist.

Borat was nominated for Best Screenplay, despite almost all of it being improvised.

But there are awards specifically for screenwriting and direction and so on.

*spoilers* In the British version, he throws her off the top of a government building, while she calls him "Daddy". If you like unintentionally silly death scenes, that's the one for you.

I agree. The first season of the British original is a delight, and Ian Richardson's voice was rich, velvety sex. It could be said that the second and third seasons went off the rails and became much more tawdry soap opera than thrilling character study.

So what you're saying is Bill Cosby was reported in a place he wasn't invited and had no legal right being in?

They're kind of everywhere. Just… smeared around.

No, see in the pilot I'm imagining, the city employee who tries to evict them is simply absorbed into the house, which upon acquiring a new soul, straightens up a little, refreshes its own paint, and seems to glow just a bit.

Fullest House - TV legend Jodie Sweetin stars as the elderly matriarch of the Tanner clan, crammed close together in the family's crumbling San Francisco estate. Coming Fall 2065.

"I'm sure the great leader has his reasons."
"And I'm sure the great leader is just some kind of twisted ass freak."

Disagree. I really hated the 3D in Avatar more than anything else, even the script.

Slow down!

Meanwhile, Carol Channing is carrying on like she owns the place with no one to keep her in check.


What an appropriate title for the episode where the Simpsons depicted a rape.

We should really do more theme nights like this around here.

Based on what he's seen, the documentary barely talks about anything at all.

The quaaludes contain potassium benzoate.

They're probably working on a new feature: Celebrity Sex Crimes. It will run with disturbing regularity.