
Ah, the mouth of a woodwind player…

Not my thing. I'd be more into Floyd myself.

Actually, in his first appearances, before he was even really named, he ate pretty much everything and seemed to be intended as a scary monster. I think his first official appearance had him eating a chalkboard Ernie was trying to write on.

I have actually gotten into very long, unreasonably detailed arguments about whether Bert and Ernie are gay.

Well, you can't argue with raisins.

I am here to argue about Muppets and Sesame Street.

That is easily corrected with a business license and a piping bag.

I agree, the situations presented in this situation comedy are completely ridiculous.

Or, as that reviewer wrote, for his portrayal of women as walking vaginas whose great superpower is to have sex with men. I like Spike Lee, but I cringe every time I hear that someone is remaking Lysistrata.

For me, it was this one:

First thing I heard about this movie was another review titled "Fuck You, Spike Lee"

In some circles in Seattle "reading" his "column" can be a euphemism for having sex with Dan Savage.

Before cell phones, couples used to get out of their wedding vows all the time by claiming it never happened. The divorce rate was low, but the deny-everything-and-carry-on-with-your-life rate was through the roof.

It'd be even easier to implement if the US adopted universal plugs for all commercially available cell phones, like they do in Europe.

I had Thanksgiving dinner out at a nice restaurant, treated by some very generous friends. Then on Saturday and Sunday, I sang in some concerts with a chorus I've been with for some years now. We had Tituss Burgess with us for those two shows, and I'm still giddy about it.

The AV Club
art school wankery

Seriously, it's like tradition doesn't mean anything to these damn kids.

I always wonder when they say they're shutting things down if they've given their comment moderators the day off. But then again, I don't want to risk getting myself banned from commenting here to find out.

Hey, you're right.

Look, as long as the subways get defaced with something German, I don't really care what it is.