
Photoshop is some incomprehensible insanity that Lovecraft would have trouble describing (though, to be fair, he'd describe a ham sandwich as "maddeningly baffling"). I don't believe anyone truly has a grasp on everything it can do. I know people who program Photoshop—Adobe literally pays them to create Photoshop—and

There's humming? That's bold.

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem devouring human flesh.

And now that I know that's in there, I have a reason to watch a supercut video.


Why would you even hire someone else in the first place when Max von Sydow is an option?

The venue was an Episcopal cathedral in Seattle. The acoustics in there are perfect for her singing acapella. As she explained, when she started singing that song, she couldn't find a band that could do the chord changes, so she just did it alone. Makes it all the more chilling to hear.

I could watch the Club Silencio scene a thousand times. I actually got to see Rebekah del Rio live this weekend, and Llorando is still beautiful as hell.

Along those same lines, I hate it when stories about witches start with the premise that Salem, Massachusetts was absolutely riddled with witches, completely missing the point about Salem.

Reminds me of one I saw that was Mary Poppins as a Disney movie from the '60s.

Comedy reimagined as comedy.

"Hank? We can barely hear you here. It sounds like you're calling from inside the giant pile of money you were paid to do this season. Cell phone signals can't penetrate that kind of cash."

If you had asked where the Rastification happens, I could have said "totally in your face," but you didn't, and here we are.

Wade's War! Hearty time! Excelsior!

Here comes ol' George Clooney.
Good ol' George Clooney… yes, sir!
Good ol' George Clooney…

Or closing your eyes during the commercial breaks.

Adele has a complicated relationship with that dog.

It's not because you fell for a jump scare, it's because you took her to that movie. If you'd taken her to the Julie Harris version, you'd be married to her now.

I've been calling them Pokemen, and I'm not going to stop.

Nah, too many people would be ripping the top edges off of their twenties, for accuracy.