
You'll have to ask your father. He's the one who married that giant woman.

I assume it's like a step mother, but, you know… bigger.

No, she's in front of you.

Nora Dunn played Morgan, the grade-19 bureaucrat on Futurama, and that's all I need to know I love her work.

The last time SNL did one of their masturbatory anniversary shows, she introduced a segment in his memory. Watching her do her absolute best to get through that was more heartbreaking than the tribute itself.

Now who are you gonna call?

The next time someone makes a time travel movie, they need to record this greeting then and there.

My grandfather bought a house with a smart Letter to the Editor of the Kansas City Star.

I actually expected *more* U's, not fewer.

He… went to live at a farm… upstate.

And stand in line for a butt sanding?

That might have made Sunshine worth watching.

I know lots of people who were thrilled at the news that this was being made who then vomited blood when they saw the first trailer.

Canada has a lot to answer for.

Chicago, don't see Jem and the Holograms at any time for any price.

She is THE Olive Garden Butthole!

And no one will believe you.

Just as long as he doesn't do a thing called "breaking".

I'm more concerned about the safety standards at those Murray fields. What do you even do when there's a Murray spill?

He knows a few people who work for Pixar (and a few others in the industry who have Oscars), and it sounds like in the years since Disney took over more and more, it has become less fun to work there than it was back in the day.