
Yeah, his followup comments just haven't been as good.

And then Pixar had all their children kidnapped. For research.

My boyfriend works in computer graphics (I'm sure he'd push his glasses up his nose and explain why "in computer graphics" is a terrible description of what he does), and I've been trying to subtly convince him to take a major pay cut and go work for Pixar.

I've been waiting for this comment for a year and a half. I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed.

Oh that is the last straw. First the Catholic Church gets on Galileo's case, then the Inquisition, and now they're preempting Bob's Burgers? It's time for yet another reformation.

I honestly don't know, but hey, a character can change jobs within the same field over the course of 20 or 40 years, can't he?

With all this backstory and experience for Lou Solverson, I'm starting to think it's not going to turn out to be the same Lou with whose police work Marge doesn't agree one hundred percent there.

Conversely, I like to pronounce actual human names that end in -man as if they are superheroes: Gold-Man, Silver-Man, etc.

A mashup of two doomed shows? Way to go, Internet.

I was quite fond of the end notes and citations in Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. There was lots of very thorough citation of sources and elaborations on claims, but deep in the middle of all of it is one note that just says "There is no factual basis for this claim."

Do you think it's working?

You need to quit your job immediately. Your coworkers… there is something wrong with them.

Counterexample: ElDan's houseguest.

Well there it is: someone finally has bad memories of Mr. Poopybutthole.

No, Tammy is definitely a villain. I'm sure they could find a satisfying way to rein her back in as a doofy teenager with mixed feelings about bukkake, but I'm much more pleased with the idea of seeing her re-introduced as a full-on villain. The reveal where she's seen dressed in black with an eye patch, walking with…

The cobness went down to the atomic level. If they eat enough food from the cob planet and breathe enough air-on-the-cob, their atomic structure gradually gets replace with cob atoms, gradually turning them into teenagers-on-the-cob, atom-by-atom, cell-by-cell.

Glasses up in her hair.

ElDan is gay for Moleman, though.

I would drink Pepsi Conditional.

I remember there being a raccoon sanctuary.