
There was once that it was a raccoon sanctuary, and existed in the episode so Bob could make reference to the raccoon sanctuary next door.

Friday the 13th will be on a Monday this year.

They take their shirts off? That's it? Gratuitous or not, shirt removal alone makes for really poor gay porn.

It's the one season of the show I don't have on DVD. That one episode is probably one of the most moving pieces of tv comedy, but do I have to buy all the other episodes with it? Couldn't they just retcon that episode onto the end of season 4?

I would probably watch at least a couple episodes of each of those shows.

It's a small D stacked on top of a slightly larger D.

Racism and classism in the gay community is nothing new, and Roland Emmerich did not invent self-hating.

Agree completely on every one of these I've seen. Adding the rest to my queue.

C? That's awfully generous. I mean, that's a passing grade. You're suggesting this movie could get into a half-decent state college.

Or it could be an American Horror Story-style miniseries, where calling it a miniseries is kind of a stretch, and Jessica Lange gets tired of it eventually.

That blows my mind!

"Tasteful laugh tracking"?

Wait a minuteā€¦

I try not to.

And you smell like one too!

He also washes his hands, so I frankly trust him more with food handling.

If Christianity had happened 2000 years later, the Eucharist would be Doritos and Mountain Dew.

The collector's edition with David Schmader's commentary track is the only way to watch Showgirls.

What you want is Onan chips.

Sodom and Gomorrah chips: