
"All due respect" is a subjective term.

"Funny in the mid-90s"? So, exactly the kind of joke Jay Leno will be telling his Uber passengers for the next twenty years?

Or in a minor key.

Wes Anderson is probably already working on making this.

So this is how they tell me they didn't like my submission.

In addition to voice actors, why not a few stuntmen, too? Anyone else whose work the Academy refuses to acknowledge? What is Andy Serkis doing next year?

A for Effort, Internet!

*Googles anything from this conversation*

If you stand the shipping container on end, you'll need less land. Bonus: high ceilings.


"I was just thinking about Tony. Wondering where he is, who he is with, what he is thinking—is he thinking of me?—and whether he'll ever return someday."

I grumble to coworkers all the time "Thanks, Bralinda" or some other made-up woman's name. I expect to hear from HR soon.

The founder of Which Wich is a witch.

But not too wacky, because the lead can't convincingly convey that kind of exasperation or excitement.

I've been saying that for 25 years.

Well, if you don't get them all in one year, you just have a whole new batch of 12-year-olds to deal with. It's the only way to keep on top of it.

But you didn't, and that's why you don't have a Great Job, Internet.

Well if she farts on-screen, she gets writing and musical credits, so there's nominations for that, too, assuming she farts on-screen.

You'd be surprised how many justices on the Supreme Court got their start as sex workers.

All of humanity, because people cannot live while dinosaurs still dominate the world.