
Monsterpiece Theater covered all kinds of ridiculously old movies all the time. They aired The 39 Steps in 1987, when the people who would have watched in in theaters were grandparents at least.

No, volunteer goons and intern goons.

I can't tell whether I should cop to joking or double down on the joke…

"Rare is the broad mainstream comedy…"

I haven't seen it myself, but were there any gay kids having sex at that camp (or whatever setting it was)? Straight kids are at risk, too, and Jason was just reminding them of that. Granted, by spilling so much blood everywhere and reusing blades, he was probably making it worse…

knock-knock-knock Putin knock-knock-knock Putin knock-knock-knock Putin

Remus and Rosencranz… I would probably watch that sitcom, but definitely not Romulus and Gildenstern.

Ha! My roommate used to think CCH Pounder *was* the Chief. I had to pull up both of their imdb pages (and this was before we had smartphones, so it was a big production to do so) to demonstrate to him that he just can't tell black actresses apart.

I know I don't say this enough, but I love you, Internet.

Plant a fuckin' tree on his grave. That'll show him.

That kind of suspenseful storytelling is how The Price Is Right keeps you watching every day. Or every week? I don't know, I don't think I've ever actually seen a whole episode.

So you called a plumber, obviously, right?

Hypothetical kids say the darndest things, probably.

Something Wicker This Way Comes will always be my favorite.

Nobody is to dox anybody until I say so, even if they say "feminism".

Now can I just get a site to help me find a site on which to find a movie I can stream?

"Come on, Frakes, just say the line and stand up from the chair like a normal person. We only have the plants rented through 10pm."

If anyone had bothered to ask "Wait, is this going to be like Space Jam?" maybe Space Jam 2 never would have happened.

Reassurance that it won't be Space Jam should be required of all film projects.

Okay, but, like, what's the address of the house in question? I need to know so I can go there and take down license plate numbers and not throw pizza up on the roof, like Vince Gilligan asked of us.