

Well, Vogel also sounds a little weird, but I'd rather have a Big Bird performed well than impeccably imitated.

You can often tell when it's Spinney in the suit instead of his much younger understudy. Spinney, being 81, can't hold his arm over his head like he used to, so when he's been in the suit for not-all-that-long, Big Bird starts to hunch forward. When Matt Vogel is Big Bird, he's much more upright.

I love the Dutch. It's why I hold them to a higher standard.

Your Father and I Just Think You Could Do So Much Better if You Applied Yourself, Internet

Adding "menage a quatorze" to the bucket list.

Well, I'm excited to watch Taylor Swift in The Joni Jormp-Jomp Story.

Back then it was called CancerGRID.

And what is she supposed to make with a container of milk and a stick of butter? Your little sister is going hungry tonight. I hope you enjoy your Slim Jim.

He was very much alive in 1978, and the Muppets have always been played by one and only one performer at a time, so yes, it most likely was him.

You forgot the loaf of bread.

I heard from locals there there is a basement in the Alamo. Poppycock! In honor of Ms. Hooks, I say we go down to San Antonio and fill in any such holes that might call themselves basements of the Alamo.

The true damage done in the Noodle Incident may never be known.

I went on a first date to see Milk. Hey, you know what really turns people on? A movie about that guy who died tragically.

I decided early this season that the Tim Gunn Save would be better named the Gunn Show Loophole.

I'm no expert, but is it possible there's a missing plane in her guitar and/or trachea?

I know! Everyone knows it was DJ who was cast as Juliet. I mean, nobody knows that. I don't know that, I never saw that episode or any episode.

Well, I guess she's going to have to scratch "I'm Still Here" off her regular repertoire.