
You must’ve had a slow one! We hit an eye-watering fifteen mph at mine

It still blows my mind that I took the MSF, rode shitty Buells that never got above 10mph, and was handed my license at the end to go ride in 75mph highway traffic.

I know where it started, but I’m surprised that the polar bears have taught it to orcas!

They do include fobs with the car.

For the record, I accidentally wrote “Oil Fitler” in my initial draft, and I’m not sure why I changed it given how badly this filter wants to ruin lives.

That’s not how the FIA works.

Another thing to expect, angry Facebook comments from white people about canceling their subscriptions

Wow. How racist do you have to be for Tennessee to say “that’s a bit much...”

I used to mansplain that Secretary Clinton had 30 years of rampant, foaming-at-the-mouth GOP rumor mill hate sagging her down.

We’ve had plenty of video footage of cop’s killing unarmed Black people. It matters not one wit.

We always say this, but she could have been an excellent and highly-respective African studies professor who just happened to be Jewish and from suburban Kansas City.

I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sorry for his dumb ass. Wait, let me think...

“The phrase I posted does not reflect my personal views at all,”

But it’s a dry hate.

It’s okay. Hamilton is paying them back in the most appropriate way possible.

Hunh, someone who married Mariah Carey and wears turbans has wild ideas and no sense of self-preservation?! Smh


Bad-ass Black women again, putting everyone else to shame.

Oh, all lives matter, you say? So what are you doing for the homeless? The hungry? Refugees? Those suffering in war, both economic and traditional? The displaced? Sweatshop workers? Uninsur... Wait! I’m not done yet! Stop walking away!!