Any Reasonable Person: “Guys, you can’t terrorize and murder unarmed Americans.”
The only thing I’m praying for is lengthy prison sentences for every officer involved. Now who should I give these tithes too?
This ‘family as performance’ shit is angering in ways I cannot reasonably put into words using my mushy quarantine brain.
I have daughters, 5 and 10. I don’t swear around them, and I don’t want them swearing either (or at least I want them to keep it to a minimum). Reading John Boyega post “I really fucking hate racists.” makes him seem like an even better role model (although honestly, I prefer them to find role models in the people…
Let’s film Helen Mirren dressed as Queen Elizabeth II reading this so Damon can get a screenwriting Oscar.
You mean a Noble?
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
So does Chuck Daly. That’s pretty shocking if it’s true.
If it’s just a game, why did he hire a ringer?
Where’s your god now.
Putting the Ghost in Holy Ghost since 2020!
You don’t have to believe all women. You have to not attack their character or drag them through hell because they make an accusation. The response from the media and general public in this case is EXACTLY the reason most women don’t report. I know I would probably not report an assault by an acquaintance, most…
I think the article is pointing out that financial difficulty does not mean that she lied about being raped. It’s not related.
I think of free-roaming cats as “coyote food.” What comes around, goes around.
Up until this very moment, I used to believe that table salt came from remote mines where long ago oceans used to be but finally dried up as the waters receded. I also believed that every day, a bunch of pickers harvested sea salt off the shores of the Mediterranean in order to provide sodium for their families and…
Obama should set up a little table facing the White House and just sit there all afternoon to fuck with Trump.
I don’t know why these haters are worried about Meghan living rent-free in Tyler Perry’s mansion when she’s already living rent-free in their heads.
Also why isn’t Comedy Central picking up the tab?