
I want to like these biopics more, but their makers never seem to have seen Walk Hard, and keep falling into the same story traps and cliches, chief among them the trope of the person who tells the Hero they can’t be a hero, and should just give up!

I’m beginning to think that nothing could satisfy you, aside from the CoD series never releasing a new title.

I get that it’s cool to hate on this game but so far I’m very impressed with it.

Its amazing how much overthinking you guys do. Play it, enjoy it or don’t. Not everything needs to be disected into meaning or “this too far”, or “not far enough”. This seems to happen with everything now. Just a week ago people were going on about the joker being "too far". Just enjoy the experience and shut your

If you choose to get fucked on camera, don’t expect to stay anonymous. Don’t be a whore. 

Many if not most people’s jobs are publicly available somewhere. Anybody who knows my name and location can pretty simply find out where I work and what my job title is. If your job is such that you don’t want people knowing who you are, perhaps you should be questioning your life choices. 

The Nats had a period where the entire heart of their lineup were on the IL in May. That 19-31 hole was too much to crawl out of considering that the Braves were also a really fucking good baseball team. The Nats had the best record in baseball from May24 on, but the Braves were only a couple of games behind them.

Or Rendon and Soto?

Never heard of Scherzer or Strasburg? 🤷‍♂️

What shitty browsers are you people using that necessitates these comments on every post? I don't get many ads, no autoplay, and certainly nothing crashing the site.

I'd say there's about a 25% chance that they will.

I’m convinced the new owners of deadspin bought a massive insurance plan and are intentionally sabotaging the site to cash out. Good article Chris, too bad a half dozen ads and autoplay videos crash it every paragraph. 

Well, they at least fade to black with implied fucking. Not really the same thing. And then they turned her into the same doe-eyed hero who plots her growth with the man she’s boinked, so.....not really a great barometer for the subject at all.

I bet some of these soldiers mansplain AND manspread. Monsters. 

It worked for the Soviets. 

Remember when toxic masculinity defeated the Germans in WWII? Good times!

The other day while I was embarrassing myself at the gym, on a different empty court there was a kid, maybe twelve or thirteen, who spent an entire hour hoisting and clanking (if he was lucky) thirty-five footers with a jerky imitation of Steph’s shooting motion.

I don’t care how many shots he hits or total points he scores- watching James Harden play basketball just sucks.

Cardi B is a big deal

Remember that time you went all in on the Leigh Raven abuse allegations which turned out to be a complete fabrication and a total dodge for her continuing to do straight porn, and when confronted with the video evidence, you, Tracy Clark-Flory, tried to brush it off by claiming that the director made an inappropriate