

This is one of the most hyperbolic things i’ve ever read in my life. Almost nothing about the album is discussed, just the phrase “black bodies showcased” (on an album nonetheless, so I guess she’s talking about the music videos) repeatedly and sounds like a college newspaper columnist who just took her first gender

Lol, Radiohead writes all of it’s own songs.

Oh wow sooooo deep. No one has ever delved into the subject of infidelity on a record before. And to mesh it with a bunch of middle of the road samples from different genres but mostly mediocre R&B, geniussssss.

You need to stop using the “bordering on” thing in your sentences. And you have zero idea who I am or what my intent is, how could you reasonably have any insight into whether what I’m saying is “misogynistic”?

Lol. You’re such a loser that it blows my mind. 

Yeah and your argument seems to be “It’s good” and “anyone who doesn’t like it is a man-baby”. Rinse, repeat.

What a deeply stupid comment. 

“The writers worked under her direction”

You could refer to it as what it actually is, which is: rabid internet fandom culture in general. 

It’s a mediocre pop album that she wrote maybe 20% of if people are being generous.

Nah, you’re wrong.

Yeah and everything, absolutely everything, has to be funneled through a political lens least you end up enjoying art that is harmful and thus must be purged. 

Wow what a next level pathetic thing to concern yourself with. You know your life is an empty void right? 

That’s because you’re a fucking idiot. 

Then you aren’t listening to people. Which doesn’t shock me. 

Look everyone, the dumbest, angriest most unpleasant piece of shit on earth is here to let us all know that only his opinions are acceptable.

Only dumb people say this.

What great movie is that? Because the last jedi is awful. 

Oh look the person who always has to chime in to claim that “Actually there was nothing wrong with the last jedi and actually if you think that you must be a man baby”.