Thunder Dragon

That and not letting the other team run zone. Have the Knicks tried asking teams nicely to stick to tight man-to-man defense?

Forget racism; the logic behind that paragraph is so frighteningly dumb that this man should not be a paid writer.

Really makes my dad’s favorite way to threaten me, “I’ll hit you so hard your great grandkids will feel it,” seem way more fucked up.

Man, contrast this with the Washington NFL team. You wonder why GSW has one of the NBA’s best coaches and attracts great Free Agents and Washington... doesn’t. Keeping your word is just good business strategy.

(Sounds of hipsters running out to Dick’s to get a GS #8 jersey)

Shit everyone knows the key to the triangle is having a Luc Longley or Bill Wennington

All you need to make the triangle work is Michael Jordan in his prime paired up with another hall of famer and maybe a couple of all stars. That’s how easy it is to run!

Maybe read the comment and take a quiet moment to digest things like “the gif showed up on the front page” before responding?

Guillorme snagged the bat with one hand and calmly returned it to the field, all without moving. He belongs in the Hall of Fame.

They want him gone. He won’t be around next season. The only question is how much Snyder will owe him when he goes.

I thought most people in a K hole were in ecstasy.

Fortunately his beard stood by him through those tough times.

I agree, but unless the NFL is banning him from playing in the future, not letting him do the combine is kind of pointless.

Generally you get concerned about spillways collapsing because that generally means the dam itself will follow it. In this case you can see exactly why that concern is valid. A significant amount of material has been removed from the flank of the dam itself, this will have led to a redistribution of load across the

There is nothing factually incorrect about the title. And certainly nothing worthy of the tone of your comment.

Don’t let GWB off the hook for the mere fact that he said some words that were less insane than 45's. He was a monster who caused what will probably prove to be centuries of devastation through the Middle East. He also paved the way for 45 - this has to be laid at his feet to some degree.

I’ve become convinced that reality is broken.

Vlade smokes 2 packs of Marlboros a day just to cover up the odor of Tanquarray he sweats from his pores.

Got that Whole Foods $50 gift card. I essentially got myself $8.62 off of one block of cheese.

Got that Whole Foods $50 gift card. I essentially got myself $8.62 off of one block of cheese.

Tell those people to move out so I can be his neighbor. I got a classic car and a bunch of tools.