Thunder Dragon

Did somebody say “stain”? Ken Starr is launching a federal investigation.

Well, Betsy DeVos has never actually been employed anywhere, so she’s never been able to resign in disgrace from anything.

It’s interesting how the states that passed the “no Sharia law” rules are more or less the same states allowing people to ignore the law based on their religious beliefs.

Huh, I guess I missed the part of the Bible where Jesus said we shouldn’t hang out with the gays.

It’s so that these laws can only be used by adherents of a certain established religion.

I don’t know how they determine “yellow” status on the map, but I currently live in a yellow area, and there certainly aren’t any significant alcohol controls that I’ve noticed.

If you’re going to have a job that will allow you to save enough for retirement in the first place, you’re not going to have a problem buying a decent car later in life regardless of whether you save now or not.

Actually, this seems perfect for Brooklyn. They’re claiming to be cutting edge and gritty, but in reality they’re just a bunch of wealthy douches selling out.

Dude, a mosque attack can’t be terrorism. Unless the attackers were brown, of course. But even then, it better be significant.

People are moving into downtown Detroit, pretty rapidly. I remember seeing some recent numbers to the effect that residential occupancy downtown is in the high ninety percents. And it’s starting to spread out from downtown, too, which will only be accelerated by the new hockey/basketball arena.

A Fred wouldn’t think of putting a basket on his bike.

No, but you might need to look it up yourself.

A diarrhea upper decker will be cleaned out in the span of a few tanks. But a big log in the upper deck will keep giving for weeks.

Don’t waste your time, he’s already working from home.

Not to defend Baylor in any way, but this is in Texas. Maybe that’s just how they say hi.

What about Kobe Bryant (allegedly)?

If you’re shaving another guy’s balls, and you’re not doing it as part of a consensual activity, it might be time to reexamine your life priorities.

This might just be me, but the fact that someone can even discuss the distinction between “number of rapists protected” and “number of rapes protected” is a bad sign.

Ugh, MLB discipline truthers are the worst.

Republicans know that true Christians are white middle-class Americans. I don’t know what those Syrian “Christian” refugees are, but they don’t look like a Norman Rockwell painting.