
How many scarves were you able to sell today?

NNop with two of her friends:

i assume all debadged cars are the base model

That's funny because I went to an expensive private high school filled with the kids of some of the wealthiest people in the country but the parents all bought them a Prius or old Volvo. Just a different culture where I am, I suppose.

RIP 17,000 venomous creatures run over in this video

Any car that came out in the past year and this:

I think somebody really wanted to share pictures of his Porsche Cayman S 8)

I am disappointed in this list.

Just waiting for Tax The Rich to get one.

Now playing

You get a much better sense of the speed he picks up from the cockpit view. This is absolutely bonkers. Is he looking for an adopted 20 year old son?

Not sure if drifting or car just caught fire....

Aerion's chief technology officer, Dr. Richard R. Tracy



First they came for our transmissions, and I did not speak out—

She probably thinks Ebola is the Spanish word for grandmother.

I always upvote pun dog.

He's selling it?

Haha. Back to normal tomorrow!