Hey, I'm just telling you what they told me. Guess it didn't work LOL
Hey, I'm just telling you what they told me. Guess it didn't work LOL
How many times have you died in a taxi? Is it more than once? :)
I'd be more critical if the established taxi cab system wasn't also completely fucked.
Neutral: What's your take on Uber?
You have some form of brain damage, right?
I think I speak for everyone: Fuck cyclists!
I can make a nuke in the toilet.
Just gotta rub all 4 rear tires in buckets full of vaseline to get some hilariously neutral handling.
Both of which are much less relevant than the amount of thug bikers it can brake check and promptly run over.
The way America works is if you have money, you don't go to jail. If it was you or me driving we'd likely be sitting in jail or at least have been bailed out of jail.
Meanwhile you seem to support a failed ideology that has killed thousands. What an insensitive dick.
You know nothing Jon Snow
I guess /DRIVE doesn't understand the internet.