Macabre Cadabra

Honestly, fucking bully for them. If you're some old dude lusting over 20-year-olds, you deserve to get taken for a ride on your bank account for a shot at getting with her while the rest of us withered old 22+ women don't live a life of vain, deluded disappointment over the things we think we're owed. And all those

This ranks up there with Miley Cyrus calling it "yummy cum". I really REALLY cannot handle this bodily fluid+food connotation. Nooooooooooooooooooooope.

'We haven't had strawberries-and-cream sex in a while.'

Can't emphasize enough how important it is to recognize that it's okay to decide that promiscuity isn't right for you. I've been a serial monogamist, but went through a horrifyingly bad breakup — I can't even put into words how terribly things ended and the number it did on me, but I let a polyamorous friend (not just

That's the thing — you don't have to like someone to realize that doing things directly involving them without their consent is fucking gross. I hope the best comes of this, even if she's normally a heap of walking garbage.

Dated a hot martial artist/gymnast in my teens. Obsessed with training at all times. A few months after we started dating, he tried to lift me to carry me to bed and struggled, so he waited a month or two to bring it up and then told me I was too fat and dumped me without it occurring to him that A) being able to lift

Yes, thank you for this informative article. Allow me to inform you, as well, if you would be so kind.

I want that dress so bad it hurts.

I don't disagree, I just think it's an odd word choice to express that kind of message when what you mean isn't that American women will never vote Republican — they definitely will, it's just that odds are pretty good that they will be in major decline so long as the GOP slogan remains"The dream of the 50s is alive

And there, my friends, is a single microcosmic example of why American women will never vote Republican.

The term 'yummy cum' is making me gag in a completely unsexual way.

I fart on this ad and everyone who signed off on it.

Let's all take a moment to remember that these are often the same dickbirds who are the first in line to wail collectively about FACEBOOK TAKIN AWAY MY PRIVACY STOP LOOKIN AT MY COMPLETELY MEDIOCRE CONVERSATIONS WITH MY BROS, NSA!!!!!


Thank you for not linking the video. Why anyone thought showing a 9-year-old accidentally killing her instructor for the benefit of the collective horror-boner of the world was a good idea is beyond me.

If I ran into Tina Fey again today, I would say: "You need to at least pay for my kids' braces or something from all the money that you made off of pretending that you're me! My goodness, you capitalized on that! Can't you contribute a little bit? Jeez!"

Hahahahaha, you actually just quoted BBT. That's all I needed, thank you! :D

Yes, you must be so sophisticated that the rest of the plebs on planet Earth can't understand your subtle nuances and intricacies and it couldn't possibly be because you are inept at communicating the greater point we're all supposedly missing.

You seem to think that cultural appropriation is "you can't use algebra or you're appropriating Arabs" or something along the lines of "be a strictly nationalist xenophobe or social justice warriors will slaughter you with their righteous indignation".

Well obviously this JAMAICAN is ignorant and this courageous educator needs to have his special Wikipedia doctorate called down to teach them, since they're obviously incapable of doing it themselves. Clearly he knows many complex and interesting things about the country and its customs from Google University, so we