Macabre Cadabra

If there is more reward for voting centrist, I’ll take it over the current tact of “burn it down and salt the earth if the stars aren’t aligned”. Politics are cynical and always will be despite everyone’s lofty dream goal of a selfless institution full of benevolent philanthropists and I honestly don’t care what

This is a juvenile view of politics. Republicans aren’t going away and voting your party in never lasts forever. I fully believe anyone who was ‘on the fence’ about this still deserves to be voted out, but it is absurd and childish to demand they do what you want them to do AND see no reward for it. You can express

Thank you for the information. You can still incentivize people to do things like this even if it wasn’t for the right reason, and vote them out for someone who will act sooner. These are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Thank you for the information. You can still incentivize people to do things like this even if it wasn’t for the right reason, and vote them out for someone who will act sooner. These are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Please reach out to Murkowski and Collins today and thank them for breaking with party lines even if this was a fucking embarrassing outcome. We need every ally we can get and they need to know that we see what they’re doing.

I fully agree, but there’s a reason people move to cities and I’d venture to say it’s most frequently not because someone is thinking “I would love to live in a liberal bastion”. There are no job opportunities in Cowfuck, Iowa for college-educated people, which liberals do tend to be. Liberals also tend to house more

If you’re insinuating that I pack up my life and career in a midwestern city that was the hotbed of racial injustice in the 2010's to move to a midwestern town with no career potential for the sole purpose of continuing to challenge my racist family on their quiet white supremacy, I’m afraid I’m going to have to

You’re repeating political talking points you’ve heard and you have no idea what they mean. I come from “Middle America” as do many other city-dwellers and there is no hidden wisdom from being a racist shitbeard in a white bubble. Fuck off.

Can we not with the ‘robotic’ thing? It’s tired and it’s lazy. It’s always been tired and lazy, but now that we’re out of a year and a half of campaigning with the worst possible result, it just seems especially sad and disappointing to read from Jez.

Pretty sure jail isn’t the reformational haven you’re thinking it is.

I have a huge collection of the hardcovers (did they come any other way?) that went through the Trail of Tears, slavery, indigenous struggle, and so on. I still have a big place for those books in my heart and I read them cover-to-cover several times over as a child. Bless that series.

PLEASE. I need this. I have the weirdest ladyboner for a religious figure for the first time in my life but also, like, I want to BE him, you know?

Thank you for this! I’ve been making periodic donations over the last two months when I have a little extra cash and I’m happy to see some new names I can contribute to.

Would be a shame if someone ran against their position “as a joke” and then held their feet to the fire “as a joke” and then kept “joking” as the poll results came in and these chucklefucks no longer had a job. A+ comedy, I tell you hwut.

“No fucking shit.”
– Abraham Lincoln

I hear you. These are extremely valid concerns.


They didn’t have fewer people, they’re just using alternative counting.

It’s hard to know what you’re asking for except to go by your literal words.

You’re conflating “stop asking our only black president to work miracles” with “never criticize Barack Obama”.