Macabre Cadabra

It's almost as if countries become isolated from their point of origin and develop their own culture separate from the one they came from. It's almost as if...I don't know, I'm just spitballing here, but it's almost as if Jamaican people don't identify as West African because...culturally and geographically, they're

Now if we could get rid of Gaga's borderline-creepy doting over 'her Tony' across Twitter, that'd be just great.

This is shaping up to be a shit year to be on a Malaysian flight.

No. Next article, please.

I don't honestly believe that's true. I think writing them off as sociopaths shirks responsibility onto mental illness when perfectly neurotypical, sane people act like utter piles of garbage when given the anonymous chance. People like this exist normally and you may even know someone who would do something like this


Not childish at all — understanding the depth of the suffering of others and feeling honest regret while committing to make personal change is about as adult as it gets. I just hope it doesn't take hell to get these shitwizards to realize that. Nobody deserves to be treated this way when they're hurting so much.

I hope these bipedal sacks of shit find their conscience someday and grovel.

This is literally the only way I would ever watch New Girl. Sweet Dee is my fairy godmother.

What a boring bunch of trolls in these comments. The N-bomb wasn't even cool when I was using it 10 years ago as a shit-faced little punk, kids. You are neither the trolls we want or deserve.

Go clop into your Fawkes mask, kid.

If this is some kind of attempt at being 3edgy5me, I'm not impressed.

Whoever gave the green light to this shit idea should be deeply and terribly ashamed of themselves and the person they've become.

"What? This internet stranger has suggested that I might have strawmanned the points of the article in order to make disparaging comparisons that make me look smarter? What's a Euphoric Internet Warrior to do? Better make a comment about my powerful and superior intellect and make sure to throw the name of a fallacy

These children trying to argue otherwise should be subject to having this graphic shit lobbed at them ceaselessly at their jobs. Pretty easy to be an Internet Tough Guy (tm) when you can be completely divorced from the problem at hand.

This is nothing like either of your analogies. You can't even construct a properly snarky counterpoint that is analogous to the problem at hand. I'm going to assume you are a child who can't understand grown-up points about grown-up problems. Take a seat, junior.

Oh, fuck off with this. If I were getting repeatedly harassed at my workplace, my employer would take measures to ensure the harassers were removed and prevented from returning. I'm not a delicate, wilting flower that needs to be protected, but I'm also not some ragdoll that you get to toss around whenever you feel

Not really digging the insinuation that anyone who is upset by violent rape gifs isn't sane, grown-up, or doesn't realize the internet isn't a safe space. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but it comes off kinda shitty!

In NO OTHER PROFESSIONAL INDUSTRY is it acceptable to let your workers be subjected to repeated, targeted pornography and violence. I have NEVER worked a job staffed by the kind of people who would stand idly by — it would be one fat lawsuit after another up everyone's asshole and an HR nightmare, to boot.