You keep riding that struggle bus and let me know when you finally figure out how to get off and deliver a real blow.
You keep riding that struggle bus and let me know when you finally figure out how to get off and deliver a real blow.
Yeah, you got me there. I guess all my points are invalid now and I can just pack it up and go home thanks to the cunning wit and wiles of an internet rando trying REALLY hard to throw a quip my way. Sorry about that.
If you think you're doing everyone else a favor by inviting them to your wedding, consider for a moment what kinda shit creek you'd be sailing up if none of them showed up.
I'm glad that out of all the points I've made, that one was at a low enough level for you to interact with. You made a really great effort today, kiddo. Maybe someday you'll graduate from the kids' table and sit with the adults for this very grown-up conversation. You can have an extra hour of TV tonight, champ!
You haven't made any intelligent remarks about it whatsoever except to homogenize it as a general 'gang culture'. You sound like the shitbirds who say they don't have anything against black people, they just hate 'black culture' and then demonstrate next to no understanding of what 'black culture' even is, which is to…
Oh, that's right. I forgot the part where history moved to an island and drifted away from the continent and is now completely divorced from present-day circumstances because it's not like time is a continuous, unbroken line or anything— WAIT A MINUTE.
You're providing enough word salad with this post to start charging $6.99.
I've gotta be honest, I've been waiting to use it for what feels like months. It just felt ~right~.
Did you confuse me with someone who cares about the crackpot essay on feminism you got failed on in college? Go choke on a Dorito.
Yes, which was born of cultural and social inequality at a time when the system was creating fractured, fucked-up neighborhoods thanks to decreased funding into things like education and infrastructure. I'm sure that's what you meant when you said 'gang culture'.
You can't separate racism and classism because classism in the US is largely born from racism. Unless you're going to tell me that slavery/the subsequent centuries of civil rights violations were just a weird, kooky accident that just so happened to disproportionately affect POC.
Go back to yelling about the PC police on Yahoo news comments where you belong. Nobody here is offended by impotent keyboard warriors saying the same scripted bullshit as the last guy.
You don't even know what 'gang culture' means, you fucking troglodyte. For fuck's sake, read a basic Wikipedia article about gangs in the US before you mash your embarrassingly inane thoughts into a keyboard.
Oh, Grandpa. How'd you get on the internet? Alright, you wily old coot, let's get you back to the home before you worry them.
The existence of white gang members does not erase the broader cultural/social recognition that gangs are largely associated with POC, who also happen to tend toward being in lower socioeconomic classes. You cannot cleanly separate the two into neat little boxes just because you're uncomfortable with the idea of…
The armchair psychology in these comments, though.
You flatter me! I used to have a blog where I'd yell into the void, but didn't have time for it and started getting targeted by — surprise, surprise! — shitbird little trolls. If I get the bug to rant at length about this in a semi-coherent way, I'll give your suggestion some serious consideration.
Of COURSE the collective narrative of trolls is wrong. Yeah, the traditional troll model is some 14-25 year old male with cheeto dust fingers, Mountain Dew, lol neckbeard, etc etc, but I've been using the internet since my preteens and I used to be a vile little shit, too, before I grew up and realized what a…
I am actually Leonardo DiCaprio and you are in the movie Inception. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but the President needed a new term besides Jesus Christ, and you were the only person our agents identified as having an acceptable alternative.
Jesus H. Macy, what the fuck is this shit?