Macabre Cadabra

The original statement isn't "good cops shielding bad cops aren't good cops". The original statement literally says "If there were good cops there would be no bad cops." I'm arguing the words I've been given, not some random fuckbird's interpretation they've pulled out in defense of a weak, feel-good, catchy saying

It would probably be helpful if you could hold a meaningful discussion instead of setting up feel-good aphorisms for complicated issues and pulling weird objections (Faux-outrage about usage of air quotes? Uh, okay, if you want to make up a fuss about it, I guess you can.) out of nowhere when you can't address what

What you said doesn't even make sense by virtue of your own logic. If good cops are covering for bad cops, they're not good cops.

It is meaningless because it is a quote that exists in not-reality. Even if you toss all the bad cops, your police force doesn't exist in a vacuum and won't live forever. It's a continual process that requires continual vigilance and will never, ever be a perfect process devoid of mistakes. So unless you're arguing

This is one of those things that sounds really deep when you say it, but really actually doesn't mean much at all.

Stick to shoveling shit in your mouth instead of letting it come out, Richman.

Probably my favorite part of this article is reading the comments from keyboard warriors bravely making fun of her for being fat.

The only thing hideous here is your shitty fucking vocabulary. "Pig brat"? Yeah, because I really want to take advice about manners and good parenting from someone who calls a child a "pig brat".

The "back in my day" thing is bullshit. It happened "back in your day", but there's a good chance you either didn't hear about it or you're guilty of a some major confirmation bias and you're selectively remembering.

I've got to be honest, this is far more terrifying to me than the amateur posting gifs. You are on your top game.

I'm just barely holding it together at my desk. I bow to your superiority, King Juggalo. All of my woop-woops are yours now. You may ascend to the Iron Throne of my heart.

"You know what will convince these people I disagree with to think like me?"

If you can find it in Target, it means you REALLY missed the boat. And, indeed, you can find sneaker wedges in Target.

Awww, youuuu~~~ <3 I mean, they ARE pretty nice, aren't they?

Ridiculous. I have never thought to myself, "Are my shoulders too slutty?"

I was made to put a sweater on for wearing a long-sleeved shirt with shoulder cutouts. Shoulder cutouts. I was distracting others with shoulder cutouts.

"People who mention race are the REAL racists!"

This whole comment is just so rich with self-oblivious irony that I can't even be arsed to mock you for it. It should be self-evident how hilariously hypocritical all of this is to the onlooker, which is really all that matters.

Dogged commitment to upholding status quo, white-approved funeral practices, if I had to guess. Just throwing things out there.

It doesn't matter what I think. It doesn't matter what ANY of us think. You are not the fucking gatekeeper. This isn't about you.