Macabre Cadabra

Lady marrying a dude here. I prefer 'partner' and have a stronger affinity for it than 'husband' because it implies some pretty cool shit to me a lot better than the traditional titles.



Thank you for making a nuanced, critical analysis of your beliefs. You have certainly presented your case in a compelling, straight-forward, fact-based way that is bound to change the hearts of many. You deserve so many gold stars for this very mature discussion.

Um, okay? They don't deserve that. Tame your fucking revenge hard-on, jfc.

Boo, Jezebel. Boooooooooooooooo. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Nowhere did I say that women with XX chromosomes couldn't acknowledge the fact — Let me take a page out of your book and say "REREAD WHAT I SAID". Good luck finding it there.

This is probably the worst response of all time. Yes, let me go back and reread— wait, yep, still must have missed the greater point here because I'm still getting the exact same message from the exact same words you wrote.

Let me rehash this discussion:

If you're not happy with your current relationship, moving to an open one pretty much just means "permission to shop around for my next partner while avoiding the bad feels of having to sleep alone after a breakup."

It's TERF-y/transmisogynist because it assumes that all women are biologically born with two XX chromosomes and no others can apply. I'm not sure how you can deny that on its face, it's pretty obvious that you are pushing trans women out of the category of 'woman' with your statement. It's not even "female biology" as

Whoa, someone's upset.

Remove yourself from the gene pool.

Isn't this subreddit also home to a not-insignificant number of MRAs and mansplainers? I could be wrong...

Absolutely, I get what you're saying. Even in spite of their strange dynamic, they are partners. They don't act like sitcom married people, they are fully equitable and powerful people who work together as a team and get shit done, to say the least.

I hope he comes around! Claire is a rare treat for badass women everywhere and is a truly equal counterpart to Frank. I admire her character AND Robin Wright in so many ways it's ridiculous.

Interesting, I'll have to check out the English version sometime. I usually strongly dislike the UK counterparts to things (The Office, Shameless, etc.) for whatever reason (Maybe cultural references lost on me or something, it's hard to say), but I loved the American series so much that it's probably worth a shot.

Man, I strive to be even a fraction of the woman Claire Underwood is every day of my life. She is a motherfucking boss and the queen of my heart.