Macabre Cadabra

Wow, this article really handled the subject of male masturbation and the cultural taboo surrounding male sex toys with maturity and still managed to be clever and witty, as I've come to expect from Jezeb—

This is good. I like this.

Haha, if I wanted to go full art school on this b, I'd draw the horizon line, vanishing point, the plane the stage is on, and then just go kill myself because drawing in perspective is certifiably THE WORST (tm).

It's not an exact account for perspective by any means, but it does a decent job demonstrating their placement on the floor plane, I think.


Definitely the angle. If you draw a straight line where her dress ends + at the bottom of his feet and then bump him up the vertical distance between those two lines, it roughly correlates with the height difference shown here.

You are not OP's doctor, you are not even a close friend or relative. You have no business telling them this, and there is a damn good chance you are not qualified. In the future, you are better served keeping your "concern" to yourself, because nobody asked for an internet stranger to lecture them so condescendingly,

This is probably one of the worst-written, most poorly-thought-out load of horse shit I've ever read on Jezebel, and that's saying a lot considering I'm usually up your ass about your piss-poor science reporting.

If there's one thing I wish for this world, it's that blog posts, open letters, closed letters, news articles, diary entries, messenger pigeons, and smoke signals sent to an overarching, extremely generalized group of people goes completely extint. They are frequently dick-in-hand-style opines about a wide demographic

If by "in this picture" you mean "every single day of my simple mortal life", yes. A thousand times yes.

Let's not forget the Christian martyr brigade who is now boycotting A&E because this REAL AMERICAN HERO (tm) was just speaking the Word of God (tm) and offended the PC Police who just wants to turn this great nation into a bunch of man-butt-loving derelict atheists and crucify the poor, devout religious people who

I agree — as others pointed out, she's got a totally babely Kim K thing going on.

Oh, for sure, especially the blue picture! But I'm always just stunned at her facial features whenever I see her pop up in my news feeds.

This post is shameful. Absolutely embarrassing for you.

That was my thought exactly, but then I reasoned that there's no way they'd just store their crap in something that couldn't be doubled as a container to eat out of. I guess they can and do!

Good lord, this woman is beautiful.

How the fuck do salads in a mason jar even work? Do you need an exceptionally long fork to eat it, or does that help with the portion control so you can work on your thigh gap?

Pinterest helped me discover that I look like a total fuckface with a topknot. Thanks, Pinterest!

I got a tiny screamer with her cooing parents on a 10-hour flight home after my 5 month stay in France. They thought her glass-shattering screeches and squeals were the most adorable thing. All this after maybe 4 hours of sleep, my metro card randomly deciding to stop working, hauling 4 pieces of luggage through said

Mulesing is an iffy thing. It does spare the sheep from infestations, which I think we can consider a positive result of a temporary period of pain. I have spoken with people who raise livestock and a lot of them have said the alternative methods aren't really as effective and/or are pretty costly...I guess the silver