Ma Buddichez

1) Can we talk about how Hannity and his fans like to position themselves as blue collar, salt-of-the-earth types but these assholes can destroy a $100 appliance like it ain’t no thang? I’m solidly middle class and you’d have to be pretty damn convincing to get me to chuck a $100 appliance.
2) Maybe it’s my privilege

Its because nobody’s gonna go to McDonalds and order Juillianned Pomme Frites.

Moore: “I don’t remember dating any girl without the permission of her mother”

“Yeah, its a booger. So what?”

______ claims to be a religion but is really nothing more than a cult. They are all scams and have been for centuries.

Scientology is not a religion, it’s a cult. Repeat as many times as necessary to make it stick.

Yep. Let’s not forget that Stella only sued for the actual doctors bills. The rest was awarded to her by the judge beceause of the shit McDonald’s pulled.

That would be cannibalism.

Was there some part of “I don’t want to know” I failed to convey with adequate clarity?

That upraised finger is the sign of tawheed. OMG HE’S IN ISIS.

I’d be more shocked if Hannity denounced Roy Moore and stood for the victims.

About time he put himself in his viewers’ shoes.

Hannity could avoid situations like this if instead of running his mouth on TV every day he just stayed home eating endless bowls of shit till he dies.

I find it hilarious that he was so anti-CHINUH while running for office but now he has nothing but praise for them.

Yeah I’m one of the grad students that would need to pay about 13k of my 29k stipend in taxes under this plan, because they count tuition as income. It blows. It’s not like I can drop out of grad school and “keep” that 50k in tuition money—it never touches my bank account. The university pays the money from itself to

I don’t know, seemed like the standard level I’ve come to expect over the past year or so.

We used to call my husband’s friend Dr. President, Esq. M.D. because he was some sort of mega genius, and now it just sounds to me like something Trump would call himself.

I used to fear for my life when my gf would tell me she wasn’t mad and everything was fine.

That tweet imploring the GOP to “DO SOMETHING!” was pure unfettered anger, desperation and helplessness.