Ma Buddichez

That’s not fair, they at least understand racism and grift.

I wonder what happened right around the end of 2016?

began in 2010, when the government passed laws making it harder for Americans abroad to shield their assets from taxation in both the U.S. and their country of residency.

Promotion to Homeland Security Director.

That is true. I’m sure if Sessions is on the chopping block Mueller will have thought about that.

But in actuality, it’s an acronym for “The Cucks Undermining Trump Can’t Understand The Crazy Useless Taxes Act.”

Who was accused of doing the, uh, junk-rubbing?

Somewhat of a counterpoint:

Agreed. It really annoyed me a few months ago when a few commenters here were posting conspiracy stuff from Louise Mensch and the lkke and trying to get people riled up. This is exactly how the Russian disinformation campaigns on social media worked; they would plug a bunch of targeted crap like that in different

No. Don’t do this.

The president knows we’re all stressed, which is why he’s trying his best to bring us all together.

Silly! Gazprom and Lukoil have energy holdings in Uzbekistan.

Aha! I love white chocolate*

Mike Pence is a bit disturbed by how spicy and exotic this candy looks.

So, taking half of a kid’s halloween candy away is socialism. What do you call contracting adults to do construction work for months, and then not paying them?