Ma Buddichez

Ratings. Once viewership starts declining during the segments she’s being a RWNJ they’ll  change the format to more neutral topics and/or have her modify her behavior, or they’ll replace her when her contract is up.


There are still people that will say with absolute certainty that Obama was born in Kenya.

So this is actually a thing Republican media is trying to get started, huh? Some dbag was on here was trying to peddle the Trump Derangement Syndrome nonsense yesterday. I figured it was one of those one off “Obama? More like NO-bama! harf harf harf” deals, but I guess this is our life now.

I love the capitalization in this one. It really is the small details that make the meme.

Now playing

Reminds me of the video of Trump singing The National Anthem on Memorial Day and Mattis is standing next to Trump and his face goes from, caught a faint whiff of a fart, to definitely smells a fart, to walking in on his wife cheating on him, to get it together man we go live in 5.

Let he who has not bunkered up in their gilded tower after video of them admitting to sexual assualt in the midst several credible sexual assault accusations before sending out a former mayor of New York City to conduct media spin cast the first stone.

He put the thing down, flipped it, then reversed it.

Man is there a lot of regret in that room. Caption contest?

I’m not sure why you don’t treat McConnell like a normal, human being party leader instead of the big bad wolf solely responsible for all of the things you mentioned. He does have influence and power, but it’s pretty useless in the face of Republican donors not deciding to donate almost purely to candidates that were

That’s some 20/20 hindsight you have there, with what I’m sure is the vast experience you must have of being involved in comparable situations.

McConnell didn’t force Obama to do anything. Obama decided to allow the gang of 8 to make the call on whether or not he should make the announcement to the public as he wanted their backing if he did so in order for it to not appear as if he was interfering.

ETA removed after reread

It, um, did not go so well.

This one especially is. They already had a closed door session with Strozk. The only reason this is occurring is precisely for political theater. And while it seems like they are getting ripped to shreds, remember they are only playing to the bubble. They don’t need to make cogent points, they just need Strozk to

Trying to?

Trump’s revitalizing the NFL garbage, huh. Some pretty damaging shit must be about to come out soon.

Livestock. You appreciate the animal for the service/food it provides, but they’ll never be anything more than a means to an end. Even the ones that become ‘family’ (pets) are still perceived differently.

Hey Don, how bout those taxes? When are those gonna get released?

I have read them, and it doesn’t change the fact that his “doesn’t count, came later” nonsense is easily flipped on him.