Ma Buddichez

Very few things in relation to humans are binary, but even in the instances where there aren’t any extenuating circumstances they are still due their day in court, and having advocate is a way to ensure that a) they are aware of all of their options, and b) as a deterrent to corruption on the part of the courts,

“Expressing views that just five or ten years ago were considered mainstream can now get you fired,” she said. “It can cause you to lose a promotion. Or you can be branded a ‘hater,’ or yes, you can get boycotted.”

good dog i need a shower now.

Wouldn’t that play into their ‘Camp of the Saints’ fearsturbation?

Hey, at least he stayed engaged long enough this time to ask a question pertaining to the subject material, so, progress?

“Excuse me, I think you meant the Middle East”

Well, he was engaged enough to ask a question pertaining to the subject matter, sooo. . . progress?

That would be sweet, but the way the heroes worked in Warhammer, didn’t play warhammer II, lent itself to either focusing on being a general or duelist with plenty of hero v hero action. A more cinematic experience would be interesting though.

The main campaign (or at least one of them) will probably (hopefully) start prior to the tripartite formation, either with Dong Zhuo in power, or shortly after his collapse. Plenty of factions to choose from, but yeah, a less homogeneous tech tree, or at least differing playstyles placing importance on differing techs

Yeah, The Warring States Period would be pretty sweet. It would probably be dependent on sales, but I would be surprised if they didn’t do an expansion for it, or a standalone like Atila as it’s a pretty obvious next step. If anything the modders will get it done.

Will probably be an expansion a la The Last Roman and Charlemagne for Atila. They pretty much have their campaign starts/mini-expansions broke out for them from the ROTK franchise, and possibly some name recognition from them as well. As an ROTK/Dynasty warrior fan I’m pretty geeked for this.

Yup, no disagreement. It’s one thing to note those issues and be concerned, as even if he were diagnosed and found to not have any disorders they’re still alarming. It’s another to do what some do and to groundlessly label him with a disorder either to bash and make him less than or to act like that classification

They don’t necessarily mean positive, though that is the general connotation. The shit my dog took in the basement last night was both remarkable and extraordinary, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Depends on what you mean by mental fitness. Armchair psychology by people who lack the credentials and/or have never done an in person examination? Pretty uncouth, particularly when taking into context how bad we, as a society in general, are when it comes to all things relating to mental illness. Calling him any

They don’t want us to die, at least not until we’ve kicked out at least three kids per pair and our productivity (exploitability) dips below their minimum required threshold. Labor competition drives down expense, especially without the codified safety net.

Kinja double posting when the poster didn’t intend to? #WhiteGenocide

Now playing

Agree. Shinedown’s 45 is good both ways, but different feelings for each. I’d say the same about their cover of Simple Man with the bare bones guitar letting Brent Smith’s voice carry it.

Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others

Pavlovian conditining