
I have never understood the appeal for some men of displaying their genitals, whether via dick pics, video calls, public exposure, or as you describe.

Seconded! If there is a large window, uncovered, next to this man’s shower, odds are HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING.

Reclaiming the act of flexing the pussy muscles from the man who literally named a part of the vagina after himself as if people with vaginas didn’t know about Kegels before this asshole stumbled upon them

Every sane non-racist person calls out Trump and his followers incessantly. In the same way that we talk about Black Lives Matter and people come in with that “what about black on black crime” bullshit we can’t engage in the same whataboutism when people in our community mess up. Particularly when we’re trying to push

I have a lot of complex and probably conflicting thoughts on this, so I’m going to try to summarize them below. (Also, EW, I just said I have a lot of complex feelings about a Youtube scandal. Lord. . .) Let me just lead with: I am fine with this decision and think it is a net good. That said . . .

You still have had FAR more privilege in your life as a white feminist, than I, as a multiracial, feminist, disabled woman who supports Bernie.

The real question will be if AirBnB cancels the insurance hosts pay against people canceling in the form of nonrefundable booking discounts.

As it currently works, hosts can surrender between 10 and 15% of the nightly rate in return for a guest booking the stay as nonrefundable. The problem, of course, is that AirBnB

I think she looks fine physically and feel we shouldn’t body shame anyone. If she has a curvy belly and great skin south and north of her navel, more power to her. Wasn’t even bothered by the Britney look circa 2001-2 when nobody was sure how young woman’s pants didn’t just fall down as they rode so low.

I’m sorry, but I’m not sharing a hairbrush with every random hookup you’ve had in the last year, let alone a dildo.

Yeah, I don’t get this either. Maybe if the psychic were promising something that was provably untrue (like if she promised riches and then presented the client with counterfeit money), but a LOT of people believe in devils and demons, and (though it seems very unlikely) she might actually have thought the daughter

This doesn’t seem much worse than what Scientology or an lot of televangelists do.

has been charged with larceny, intimidation of a witness, and obtaining property over $250 by trick. She was arrested on December 27th.

On the one hand media entering public domain is great. On the other hand the idea of a company or person losing control of a piece of media that they created is absolutely ridiculous. No intellectual property should ever fall into the public domain if it’s actively being used or the company that originally created it

That story was way less interesting than the headline promised. I was thinking maybe they brought in some priests to exorcise the cheating demons (cheatons?) from Offset. “The Power of Christ compels you not to cheat!”

Lol Cardi. Even the pope could not stop Henry VIII from being a dog.

They did the work of compiling/transcribing the lyrics.

Google was farming the work out to LyricFind. I don’t know if Google is considered partially responsible, but LyricFind most definitely is. Genius should be able to track down who (if anyone) took the lyrical annotations from Genius by seeing who they aggregated the data from.

That apostrophe thing is, uh, genius. BRB I am going to go build a web service that will encode secret messages into text by this method and let others decode it.

Please explain this to us Ashley, as you are obviously the judge of all blackness.

So what if you are half black - Meghan Markle can say it ... or not?