She doesn’t go on dates....
She doesn’t go on dates....
Wikipedia editors are a small group of white male 4chan weirdos - they are anti-trump which is cool but overall an unsavory bunch...
Lets cancel Esther Wang’s wack ass essays!
I had to it for you
SHE IS BEING PLAYFUL!! that’s the whole point - she is a brilliant rapper! she throws in the last sentence as a punchline
fix the grammar in your HEADLINE - for the love of god
Drake and Kylie’s age difference is 11 years - Keanu and his GF is 9 years...
1. that’s what she is...
This guy was a complete piece of slime. Degrading female students was part of his whole schtick, and his fans seemed to like it. I can’t believe he was allowed to teach until his death.
cardi b is a queen - check yourself
she actually broke up with him a long time ago - she is married to the founder o
2 wrongs dont make a right
too true!!
wasn’t the quentin tarantino movie really long too?
thank you VERY much for this comment - the fact that nobody is reporting that his brother was trans reveals the transphobia of the press, in my opinion
one of them was his trans brother:
his “sister” who he killed was in fact a trans male
so you are a white man, and you are mansplaining to women why they shouldn’t like this movie?