
bullshit. as soon as he’s out some sexist hedge fund guy who think brock has been “wronged” will hire him. in the eyes of those people, he already has a stanford degree. he will live a chill upper middle class existence.

NEWS ALERT: gawker/jezebel is misogynistic bullshit. don’t fall for their lies!

it is not a man’s responsibility to give a woman an orgasm, women can do it on their own, you are a sexist.

Brock Turner’s dad should never work again after what he said, he’s a criminal too. I made his wiki, please share it so everyone knows he’s a scumbag:

Why is gawker so intent on lionizing this guy who is famous for participating in a blood sport that shouldn’t even be legal?

What does the dad do for a living? Can someone please add to his wiki? - I want to make sure everyone he works with knows he’s a terrible person and a rape apologist