
I get being someone’s friend. I really do. I get not wanting to knock that person publicly, and I don’t think a person should have to. But for heaven’s sake, come up with a better articulation of your position. Say, “I support women and victims of harassment and abuse. In the case of Louis C.K., he has been and

Fruit ranking really is a multi-axis process, as shown in this chart.  A professor in my department in grad school had all his students fill out their own and taped it to the door of his lab.

I’m having an actual meltdown that blueberries are nowhere in this post.


It feels so fucking to good to have brown representation on this site. Thank you. Seriously, thank you. 

Like, ugh the human body is so fucking gross omg.

Men: Ugh you can’t even say hi to a woman in the workplace anymore without her crying about sexual harassment

Can’t get fired if you never get paid in the first place.

So are these technically “Dirty Sanchez” texts?

I agree. He’s expressing love, not that wants to jump her bones. People can dog him for cheating, but I wouldn’t criticize him for the texts. Are they corny? Absolutely. Is it almost impossible to write a text expressing love that is not on some level corny? Absolutely.

She needs to donate every dime she made off that fucking song to charity.

Richest man on the planet divorces age-appropriate wife and is dating a new age-appropriate woman. What??

Three hours and nobody came?

This reminds me of an activity I did with my girlfriend. I showed her the various stages of arousal my penis goes through.

I am a Black queer person so following this story closely. One thing missing from his apologies is a clear understanding of why the comments are so toxic. Don Lemon laid out the high rates of child abuse and homelessness Black LGBTQ youth face due to parents with this exact “my kid could never be gay” attitude. The

Are we all really taking the stance that unsolicited kissing/fondling of the breasts without prior consent would be okay if she was a confirmed adult? Because I’m over 40, and will punch you in the fucking face—if not lower.

Seriously tho, fuck March.

An older coworker was convinced his Microsoft word was "hacked." I'm like no your caps lock is on.

Plus who goes after Ariana Grande of all people? Hey, Michael. I know you’re reading this because you’re a washout has-been thirsty for validation who starts shit on social media because Spike Lee will never call you. Listen, you born and raised on the Upper East Side wannabe tough-guy, there’s no such thing as

Michael Rapaport is 48 looks 63 and acts 16. If you keep literally every aspect of him exactly the same there’s hotter men every place anywhere.