Sweet Marie.
Sweet Marie.
It was her.
oh. my. god.
Anyone have the best way I can donate clothes to those that lost everything?
I HATE ET and Alf so much.
The perseverance line on the shot of the wedding first dance got a real shudder out of me.
I just remember going to the bathroom right after and throwing up. I couldn’t believe he offered to take me out to lunch on my birthday to tell me that.
I haven’t reported it because I also don’t remember it. It wasn’t until my 18th birthday when this person told me things he did to me when I was younger.
Fuck you Ralph.
It must be a long week (year?) because I just teared up.
Go on...
This happened to someone in my family in the 80's! Then the same person used antifreeze on her years ago and it fucked up her insides. This person also had a husband die. It’s so common.
I needed to read your first sentence today. Thank you.
I LOVED In a Dream. Can’t wait to see this.
Am I an unsophisticated dolt to feel that way?
I need all of those VHSs.
How tall is his tie?
You got this.