This was quite a shocking episode.
Anonymous Cowards of keyboard-warriors=Constant vindication of the laughable notion of Human Civilisation’s “ideals” which leads to assert the supremacy of all things that have been discovered/invented to exist.
Yep, being a traitor to Allied troopers is quite an “iMpRoVeMeNt” — a SS commander compliments that trooper.
I do believe that Father is a very underrated-character, mayhaps even in a [fictional-]universe which does not deserve him — but my findings overtly corroborate your claim that all he is notable for till this episode is "telling dAd jokes".
Define “hot shit” in this connotation at the very least — if not exhaustively.
The OGs, for sure?
...And that is neolibs keep owning themselves!
...And I would never-ever give that “old-fart” a credit for coming-up with any tale that is not suitable to his publicly-expressed ramblings.
It’s not “HBO”, even though as overrated as the brand-value of Home Box Office® is.
Nary a mention about Paul: Congrats, who just wrote the draft of your autobiography!
You would be a suitable Mithraic cleric!
Isn’t it your Confirmation Bias, though?
Couldn’t Agree More! 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
“Zardoz” who, now?
Quite a sad-conclusion for..