G/O®’s hypocrisy-lover

“reasoning”: Uh-huh?!?

If not for Yās’ timely “hail Mary” at the end, Harper woulda been stuck at that little rock in the ocean she mistook for a lagoon — and “DVD” woulda been the first-ever person to turn-over the motorboat’s engine and speed away.

What have those uncontrollably anal French have done, now?

“...about all the characters..”: No!

It’s good that you “bing[e-watch]ed” a grossly-overrated show sharing a key EP, which finished jumping-the-shark by its early latest-season, and are comparing this latest show partly from the very same profoundly-overvalued network — with appointment-viewing.

But can you opt from the system as a whole, though?

My, my...!

The hopefully now-sober Rob?(



You must be lacking sympathies for Capitalism, then.

I’d reckon that you not just missed the incremental-costs of production and that too, in a season consciously making a creative-decision to move its..

A sincere query?


Roland, no?


Which one is it trying to "rescue"?

You didn’t went through the fellow commenters, did ya?

Is that your attempt at an insult?
