
So you want literally every outdoor machine to have speakers and intelligence to detect and respond accordingly to their "non-living" visitors? ๐Ÿค”


Nope. That could be easily passed-off as couple of 'coding-jargon.'

Nope. Not โ€œactual SF[sic]!โ€ The common term is: Hard science fiction. ๐Ÿ˜Š

What if he didn't have a choice? How could you be sure that any elderly, "unattractive" looking female domestic-help Synth would have been in-stock at the store Joe went to impulsively-purchase? Agreed he wasn't as helpless as George, who had been "force-gifted" with a Synth as rigid as Vera, as part of NHSโ€ฆ


Wait?? Does AMCยฎ air 2 episodes over the course of each weekend? Or is it really a mistake on your part? Because I can't remember any reference made to the timespan in this episode. ๐Ÿ˜•

Go get some!

So, it's indeed confirmed by now that AMCยฎ did chopped-it out [in spite of being their original-show, contrary to Syfyยฎ's policy]. But if that's indeed the case, how did Mr "Reviewer" [here] got the chance to watch it? Praying that he didn't became 'Onion-y' by 'torrent-ing' itโ€ฆ?!? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Do you really that "fan[atici]s[m]" can give you room beyond emotions?? Don't forget "political-correctness!"

So trueโ€ฆ! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

What is this supposed to make of?

"To each his own!" Laura, followed by Mattie were for me till this episode.


Good! Because the Swedish, non-dubbed series (with 2 episodes extra each season) have nudity on par with <how-to-ref-that> Ummโ€ฆ โ€˜GoTโ€™! Also, it includes other gory/horror elements excluded from the British adaptation [due to their "cultural sensibilities"], the prime-example being a "murder" of German Shepherd.*

@Everyone in this thread: Without taking the help of profanity or even strong words, I'll just simply make my point and leave upon readers' intellect to comprehend its intensity:

"Forensics?" Or 'pseudo- forensics??'

C'mon, why everyone is so "me too" over distributing character-certificates to him?? We haven't even reached half of the Series yet!

How 'cool' are you? BTW, may you recount your hours spent with those "parents?"

I can hand-over to you a list of people who define adaptation as a: shot-by-shot recreation, narrative-wise*. May I? One last question: What would you do with it?