
Yes, I do. Because it has only been [few] weeks since the first-run weeknight syndication has finished with 2nd Season Finale [in my country]. Secondly, “pretty terrible[sic]” is pretty subjective. Peace.
And Thanks for your compliment, if you really meant it.

Now since you've 'improvised' your comment.

Huh? Why haven't someone yelled "homophobe" so far?? Maybe the community here is not that “libertine[sic]” after all.*

Huh? Were they “Mattie and Joe” (daughter-father) or ‘Laura and Joe’ (husband-wife)? Agreed with rest of the review, except Vera's. Few grammatical-corrections also needed. BTW, couldn't have echoed it better about Niska! 😂


What a nice-attempt!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Wow…! How many years since you joined "feminism??" And any special-comments about your current DP? 🤔

Please…! Laura isn't some kind of "nun" that she needs assurance at every step. And also, don't gimme that "bread-earner" excuse, because that would make her look even greater "saint," which she obviously isn't! 😑

BTW, your last sentence is spot-on! 😅

Correction: 5 minutes into the story after the incident.


“intellectual masturbations??!!!” 😂😂😂

First 'party' was dining at a restaurant, while Mattie "saved" Anita in a "nick-of-time" by taking her to ['narcissistic'] Leo and Max. 😑

Also, the nomenclature (please read the other comment I posted in response to same as you)!

On the "Asian women" part, may I add the fact that Hawkinses naming her "Anita" was racially-ignoramus on their part?*

You sure you didn't wanted to say: "I think I would find…" there?? 🤔

I read “hoping” as ‘happy’ at first-glance. 😳

A 'parallel-universe' edition, perhaps? Or how long since he's been withdrawing from his ‘Lost®’ addiction??

Same question again? Why is it necessary to make every conventional device capable of scanning Synths and making its results explicitly clear to whoever's-nearby?

"Then we're in h––l!"