
Innovative is a smaller agency mostly dealing with below the line talent. Glamorous it is not but it can be very profitable. One of there clients took a huge smoldering shit on not only a major actor (talent debatable, but with multiple movies greenlit)but with a casting director who probably has quite a few projects

Not enough crazy yet. Needs more Catwoman.

dated Marilyn Manson...It’s a dunk!


Rose McGowen = Sean Young. Discuss.

There is obviously a lot more that happened behind the scenes. This is why Entourage was such an interesting series (I know everyone hates it).

Oh he can say what he want’s. It just doesn’t stop people for calling him out on being a complete moron.

You have chosen wisely, motherfucker.

No survivors.

I just ignored the article and went straight for the comments. I figured they would be far more entertaining.

Seriously. The god damned plane crashed into the mountain early on in this one.

My brain is rejecting this article. It won’t let me read passed the fifth paragraph. I am so goddamn bored at work right now, but still apparently not bored enough to read this drivel in its entirety.

Bruce Buschel writes for a variety of sites, platforms, and publications. He watches television in New York City, but never the Yankees. No Twitter, Tumblr, or Tinder.

What in the actual fuck was this?

You not taking financial advice from someone because they’re rich would be like me refusing to take a tennis lesson from Serena Williams because she doesn’t know the struggle of being completely uncoordinated and hasn’t had to bear that cross.

That sort of anti-elitism is a problem in this country. Some people are smart. Some people go to good schools. Some of those same people are progressive, compassionate, and wealthy. Those people should be in charge of things, and their opinions should matter, because ideally, their wealth is secondary to their skills

Hey, I can’t star your comment in good faith because I don’t think John Oliver is a smarmy twat, I think he’s a delightful, hilarious puffin man. But I don’t think you’re missing the point at all. I think one of the ugliest things about American liberalism is this elitist attitude of, “We need to protect the poor from

Yeah, you COMPLETELY missed the purpose of that segment.

Wait just a second. Let’s say he grew up poor and went to school on loans. Because he ended up being successful, that negates any experience he might have with being poor? Wow. I guess since I went from living on $30,000 a year for seven people in a household to making almost $50k a year for just me, that means I