
Clearly was a joke, but a joke made without any historical context whatsoever. People need to realize that history doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

True because you have to realize that people aren’t going to take the time and brain power to read about what exactly that sort of night entails.


Damn I can’t get that image out of my head.

Hang on, hang that really their logo? Because, and this could be the Schnapps talking....but a winged that what I’m seeing?

Every night is Caucasian heritage night at baseball games in Utah

The crying about turf is unreal. These women have all played excessively on it, that is for certain. They have played on far shittier fields in far shittier countries.

The main issue with this iteration of turf is it burns the shit out of you sliding. Thankfully in the heat of the game it’s not really noticed but it

To clarify, the person doing the “goinking” is called the “goinker,” while the person getting “goinked” is usually just called Adam Morrison.

That’s why you gotta be on the lookout for those wide-mouthed girls. Underrated feature.

Q: Thoughts on LeBron’s game?

Q. Thoughts on next season?

Absolutely disgusting. The NBA and ABC should be ashamed for exposing their audience to that disgusting, pitiful, wrinkled excuse for a penis, and on national television no less. But enough about Joey Crawford, lets talk about this LeBron thing too.

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. Blatter.

They didn’t buy the team. The rightful owner had the team taken away by the NFL due to his implication in a gambling scandal in Louisiana. He transferred ownership to his sister (yea nepotism) and her idiot husband, who turned it over to his idiot son to play fantasy football with.

75% of all calls on sportstalk radio in Philadelphia consists of people claiming they want hard working guy, who makes the most of his talent, keeps his mouth shut, gets back on defense and always gives a true effort.

I assume he thinks he is going to be indicted and wants to move to a country without an extradition agreement with the U.S. as soon as possible.


So he was probably well on his way to getting arrested, yes?

I’ll take things I bet never happened for $400.

You can take solace in the fact that those are the parts of Virginia that everyone else is embarrassed of as well.