
Something something something, hot take

Yeah, that's why people watch, is the acting.

Enjoy? No motherfucker we LOVE it.

The stoppable force meets the movable object.

Frisbee Golf is unorganized, it sucks too.

Says the guy on a website that covers organized sports.

Jesus God, thank you for the NCAA.

Season Tickets Starting At Just $150!*

Thats an extreme take

i heard NBC tried to offer Carlin the Tonight Show but he's been dead for 7 years.

The thing is, Tonight Show is not open mic night at your local ha ha hole.

He's not cynical.

He is funny. The stuff he does isn't critique on society, it's not larger truths. He's just goofy and fun. I get that lots of people find that cloying or don't like him. He's not my favorite, but people who get so worked up about him not being funny, like you, just come off as pretentious.

I didn't know band geeks could be semi hot.....good for her. Jay wright wanted to get involved with the festivities and take her out for a night of drinking on him, but like basketball Jay dissappeared after the first round.

You may not think he is funny, but he is very talented. His musical impressions are amazing.

"Forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist and I am a huge fan of Mo'ne. She was quite an inspiration."

I went on twitter and so many white Americans were mad that she was getting film, it was really sad to see so many sexist and racist comments.

Wait, the civilian was making dangerous lane changes? You must have missed the part where the unmarked cop was making WAY unsafer lane changes.

"I rarely blindly defend cops"

Did you watch the video...?

What laws did he violate? He caught a cop nearly killing a citizen...I think forgetting to use your turn signal or some such is a bit excused in that case.