
what the fucking Christ are you talking about?

fuck steam. it's a console game so it should be on PS4. go use an emulator or something.

it doesn't mean that at all. use a dictionary next time, instead of some dickhead making videos.

what the fuck is gacha? is that some Jap word?

you mean JRPG. these are not RPGs, and that podcast is so heavily in favor of that jap shit that it has nothing to do whatsoever with actual RPGs.

well that’s nice.

what are you talking about? what's that thing? some jap shit?

what the fucking Christ is buuuuuu?

why do you obsessively talk about the “people” in this game? They are just still images and text boxes. What the fuck are you talking about?

you will never understand it because it is an impossible game to understand. Get yourself a refund before it’s too late.

hate this game.

who gives a fuck?

me too, like it was the next thing after SD and HD tvs. weird that that's supposed to be a face though...where are the eyes?

X’D??? what the fuck does that mean? are you alright?

are you a tranny?

Gritlord?? are you sure you didn't just make that up?

I sure would love me some DQVIII news though...

what’s the opposite of vague? because this hasn’t been vague at all, it’s readily available information, and the exact same scenario as the last DLC.

Who the fuck is Elizabeth smart???

fucking WHO?