
are we in Japan? no?

so who the fuck is he? from the way his fans (you people) responded to my question I'm going to guess he was a fucking asshole? like you guys?

lol sorry my autocorrect has a problem with idiotic variations on normal names.

who the fuck is Darwin Cooke?

they’re in Anaheim. yes. small town.

“if only we could score some runs this inning...”

it’s one fucking sentence, and still you idiots managed a fucking typo.

the fun starts on the 621st time you run through the same room, killing the same enemies you killed 620 times before. I’m telling you, it REALLY clicks after that 621st time. nothing better than grinding the same areas over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

fuck off, dammit. there’s PLENTY of games with turn based combat these days. the only problem with the combat is you must be bad at it. in which something else.

myth drannor was fucking trash, and not just because of its crippling memory leak issues. that game was BORING. and slow as hell. and the world was tiny, with no meaningful character interaction or populated areas. it didn’t even do combat well since you leveled so slowly in those days.

look it up. on this here internet you’re using. both games are almost 20 years old; if all you know about them is their similar perspective then you’re a fucking fool.

I would have starred this post if not for that last sentence. I'm chill as fuck brah. this is just how I am.

my opinions and thoughts are laid out exceedingly clearly in my previous posts. I’m not going to rewrite them sans snark just cause you can’t handle it. if you want to respond to the content of my argument feel free to, but no way am I rephrasing it for you.

in the meantime, keep hoping for that PC port, fuckhead.

and if you think you can read my attitude by my use of the two words “hopefully not,” then you’re an Internet psychologist as well as an idiot. awesome.

lol looks to me like you just typed out a two paragraph explanation about how you’re not going to engage in discussion. God, you’re fucking dumb.


and I hope you never do.

you don’t know what elitism means.

lol that’s the second time you accused someone of elitism without knowing what it means. it’s not elitism. I don’t want your PC games on consoles either. I want distinction between the platforms, and the way to do that is platform exclusives.