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    a more similar idea would be peeing in a cup and having to 'friend' the company FB account... giving them your FB password is akin to holding out your arm and letting them inject you with drug x.

    but, if you were asked why the 'fake' password didnt work, you could tell them you changed it as per your personal security rules. yes, 2 lies, but you dont have to change any passwords, and they will never know, unless they try to log in infront of you right after you give it to them.

    especially when you have all that cash in the bank burning a hole in your pockets, and all those attorneys on retainer

    i always feel that baby animals taste better... i wonder if this cake will taste better than normal cake..

    they must have left out in the description that it automatically comes up and turns on when you think about it and it can give you a nice handy under the table when work gets just alittle too stressful. that *might* just be worth that price.

    im not saying that we should prosecute one group and entirely leave the other group alone.. just saying, which could (*should*) use the resources now.

    lets take a small look at your argument and see which group (negatively) affected more people world wide...

    for arguments sake, its part of our free market economy and the entanglement with supply and demand vs cost. if you make something that is intended to be expensive to buy no matter how much it costs to make it, (think Ferrari) demand will be high and supply will most likely be low, raising the cost. if the supply is

    it could be considered as a distraction to other drivers and ticketed with a fix-it ticket. But as long as the underglow is not any color used on an emergency vehicle (blue red white) it should be ok.

    i wonder how much force is required to break that little ball free from the magnetic arm

    i may be wrong, but my thought on the subject is that its not about complaining about a simple product, its complaining about a "simple" product that took human resources to think about, machinery resources to make, transportation resources to ship, all for a "device" that is essentially useless because everyone has

    its almost as if people dont understand the idea of being seen from PUBLIC areas, even if your own your own private property... property lines DO NOT effect line of site... sorry.

    that would assume the govt thinks about its decisions before they are made

    i thought they were never able to prove that because they were testing it themselves, and forgot what they were testing for after 15 minutes.

    im willing to bet all germans in upper govt/courts use apple products and a majority of cars in apple's parking lot are Mercs and BMWs...

    lol.. its almost as if you dont know how the US govt works... this type of behavior is obviously rewarded.. i wouldnt be surprised if the idiot who lost the laptop is in the next president's cabinet.

    that would be the only reason i would "enjoy" a mac, except i would never pay for their overpriced hardware and OS with limited features.

    .. dont install apps that have stupid permissions? or root/jailbreak your phone and use one of the apps that add a secondary level of security by restricting certain access to apps you specify (cant think of app names off top of head but i think they have been featured here or on lifehacker)

    the biggest problem i see with this, is that the people who would be exposed/given this treatment would be the 1-10% of people already fucking up the world for everyone else, i dont see why we need them around for an extended period. the lower classes would not have access to this, keeping our already overpopulation

    all good until you decide to "check in" at a park, school, or other public area and have this be evidence at your indecent exposure hearing.