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    the problem is most the people who ARE worried about over population SHOULD be the ones having kids, not the ones who are not worried. watch the movie "idiocracy" thats the earth in 400 years, if humans make it that long.

    kinda like all the iphones, except for the screens

    technically he could be charged with indecent exposure and listed on the sex offenders list... just like if you were to say, pee in public areas if your drunk (or not drunk) in front of an officer.

    its only fun til someone loses an eye... then its hilarious..

    1. if you need to crouch in a fps and strafe left at the same time.

    use esdf and try to hold the left ctrl with your pinky and be able to tap s at will with your ring finger... it cant happen.

    for those i usually grab with both hands, one near each edge, and gently push as i grab, if it doesnt move, then i gently pull until i figure out which side opens and if its push or pull, this mostly keeps me from lookin like a moron that doesnt understand doors.

    or people can just not be idiots and observe the door before they walk into it.

    i think they missed the point of the RIAA and MPAA.. sounds like all their cases just got thrown out the window... (not that i am FOR piracy, but this just shows how little the people making the rules of our society know about what is going on in the digital era)

    if you still want the "good guys" to slip through these cracks, you should read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"

    so we dont want illegal border crossing by "bad guys" (or bad girls, cant be sexist), but we want to leave it open enough for "good, bad guys". and more to the point, if a "good guy" has to use these methods to get into a country... guess what kind of "good work" there doing there.. *answer: not much good for that

    thats also because most users run with administrator rights in windows and install things without knowing. if they used a normal users account for daily use, they wouldnt have nearly as many issues

    lol, i got a speeding ticket on my bike... the judge threw it out.

    wow, that must have been some scary shit... ive got into the mid 50s, but on my road bike, on nicely paved roads. and passing cars going that fast is fun (and funny) as hell.

    just gimped internationally? id say the lack of hdmi/usb/MOST STANDARD interfaces has gimped it as well.

    exactly, the best thing since sliced bread is being able to toast it while slicing it.

    can we increase drivers training instead of having stupid people ruin things for the rest of us (you can also replace "drivers" above with many other things in our society)

    since it comes through the amazon market place, the money is accounted for and as long as taxes are paid on his income, everything is legal.. the only time you need to launder money is when you get an excessive amount of cash as payment and dont want to pay taxes on it (or most/part of it) AND you need to make a

    yay for software patents, now instead of being able to slide to unlock any phone, or pull down to refresh many apps or (fill in the blank with some other stupid patent) we all have to learn different ways to do the same shit for various devices/software. so much for a simpler life with electronics

    i would consider those to be generational version differentiation, not fragmentation. fragmentation would be like having 3 versions of the iphone 4, with various different features on each, such that you have to customize the same app for each version. Apple just has several generations of the same devices with