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    "Brad's vehicle was stopped while he snapped this photo. He was not juggling his phone and the steering wheel at the same time, which would have most likely been frowned upon by Nascar."

    but how do you get to the home screen without a home screen button?

    sounds...... AWESOME!

    as population size grows we need to make our food production more efficient. more people = crossing ethical boundaries to support resource demand.

    the gravity of this situation is impressive

    they might think pansy til i jump out with my snowboard

    unless you used keepass and were smart enough to copy the database to your phone and or thumb drive to use when away from your laptop.

    get a good mouse... you will be using it until we have capabilities like in the iron man movies or the like. and even then, il hang onto my mouse for some things.

    leather wallet, no sweat get to the goodies. and this comes from an avid cyclist, so my wallet gets exposed to its fair share of sweat

    i think that nfc in cards and phones us just a jumping point to inevitably having nfc tech implanted in our hands that will act as id and can be tied to credit/debit accounts or anything else. we are putting them in cards now because people are already carrying cards/phones and its easier to test/upgrade the tech

    thats the beauty of cyber warfare, no expensive tanks needed.. just computers and people with too much time on their hands.

    those are apparently the best kind of drones, according to giz..

    not quite as bad as circa 1980s cell phones.. (insert pic of origional Wall Street or similar movie of that era with the goofy large beige 'mobile' phone)

    so worker relations/conditions is this years "green" movement for marketing... awesome apple is starting it off, lets see who follows and how long it takes before the workers are forgotten in favor of the next marketing flavor of the month.

    all i want is a frickn laser beam attached to a frickn shark. every animal deserves a warm meal. *raises pinky finger to side of mouth*

    except the 99.9% is based on PROPERLY packaged birth control. but alas, Pfizer has more lawyers than you, so i dont think they will pay anything (but their own legal fees)

    i know your talking about the creators rights to their work.. but this goes hand in hand with their "sales" of media to customers. dont think if apple went out of business tomorrow they would be sending you or still allow you to stream all the content you bought from them which is stored on their servers...

    i had thought they did that already, and thusly clicked the link several times..

    for all you nay-sayers. This is similar to the beginnings of the US breakaway from England. The people acting out in ways they can... (ie tea party (original tea party, not the new age bull shit)). Those small actions back then lead this country to stand up against its repressor and started a revolution to change

    i agree.. its why i laugh when i see 90% of iphone/idevice covers have a circle on the back so you can still see the apple logo.